
Our choice for must watch movie for entrepreneurs

Damon IOct 31, '19

We recently submitted our choice for must watch entrepreneur movie to Signature Video Group:“Having a business is never easy, as failing is simply part of learning the business process. Finding a business movie that teaches how to be a good, ethical business person is hard to come by, however, one...

We care about your health

Stephanie ISep 23, '19

Our main focus has always been herbal vaporizers and it will remain so. Vaporizing natural plants, leaves and flowers from regulated sources is the safest method.

A PEI personal delivery that turned into an adventure

Damon IAug 10, '19

It was a Wednesday just before the August long weekend. Our last day in the office before we left for the cottage. A call comes in from a Prince Edward Island Blue Cross client named Michel.

4 Recommended Vape Wax Pens

Damon IAug 10, '19

Wax vape pens have improved a lot over the years.Longer lasting batteries, better vapor, higher quality parts, more durable atomizers.Here are 4 recommended wax pens.Utillian 5 Wax Pen: $89.99 CAD The Utillian 5 Wax Pen features a massive 1050mah battery, 4 heat settings, 2 black ceramic coils for better extraction,...

[FEATURED] The Best eCommerce Business Tips from Dads

Stephanie IJun 16, '19

The idea of combining business ownership with fatherhood can be intimidating, but dads everywhere are making it work. How? To celebrate Fathers' Day this year, we put out a call to Papa-preneurs of all types to come forward and tell us their stories, share their experiences, and enlighten us with...

Medicinal Benefits of CBD

Damon IMay 17, '19

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD,  is one of the many chemicals that are present in cannabis. Some benefits of CBD include pain relief and lowered stress and anxiety levels.'s very own Damon Inlow explains one of the many ways to consume CBD — by vapour through a specialized vapour...

Canada Post shipping rate increase

Damon IMay 15, '19

May 2019 We have had to increase our shipping rates.We try our best to delay increasing as long as possible but at a certain point we are unable to absorb Canada Post's increases. There have been 3 Canada Post increases since our last increase. Our basic expedited shipping went up...

We now offer shipping to our friends in the European Union

Damon IFeb 7, '19

We have considered shipping to Europe for many years but there were too many deterrents. Now that we have free trade with the EU, the wide spread adoption of USB charging for portable vaporizers, effective voltage converters for desktop vaporizers and reasonable shipping rates, we are happy to offer our...

Zeus Arc and Zeus Arc GT

Damon INov 17, '18

The Zeus Arc and Arc GT are the latest vaporizers from Zeus Arsenal. We were truly surprised at how big a step up the Zeus Arc is.   The retail kit is very nice, attractive box and everything you need. The manual combined with being super easy to use means that...