
510 vs Pax Era or Dry Herbs

Damon IJul 9, '21

Cannabis concentrates and oils are here to stay. 510 Batteries:There are a few easy legal ways to use oils and concentrates, the most popular is the 510 battery and 510 cartridge. The batteries come in many different shapes, sizes, colors, capacity and features. Most have the cartridges screw on to...

Shipping costs, to the moon and not in the good way

Stephanie IJun 27, '21

Shipping has been increasing every year without exception since we started. There aren't many sure bets, shipping continue to increase is one of them.We wanted to share an article we submitted recently about the struggles of Canadian e-commerce:One of the biggest if not the biggest struggle for a Canadian e-commerce...

Arizer Air II - Giveaway

Stephanie INov 7, '17

Arizer Air II Giveaway