Experience unparalleled vapor quality with the Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer Bag & Direct Flow. This advanced desktop vaporizer boasts an impressive combination of high-quality components, digital temperature control, and an auto shut-off timer to provide the ultimate vaping experience.
The Extreme Q benchmarks multi-use desktop vaporizers, offering unbeatable reliability, a solid warranty, and readily available parts. With its intuitive digital controls, adjustable fan speed, and convenient remote control, the Extreme Q delivers a seamless and customizable vaping experience. Elevate your vaping game with the Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer – where innovation meets excellence.
Midnight Chrome Finish
Low noise fan (Q stands for Quiet)
Compact Design for a desktop
Clear View LCD
Fast heating ceramic heater
Precise Temperature Control with triple heat sensors
Energy efficient
Designed with Solid State Circuitry
Includes in the kit:
- 1 Remote Control
- 1 Mini Whip for Balloons
- 1 Three Foot Whip
- 2 Extra Interchangeable Mouthpiece
- Potpourri Dish
- 2 Cyclone Bowls
- 1 Glass Stirring Tool
- Extra Screens
- AC Adapter
- Instructions