Haze Vaporizer ~ Staff review

Stephanie IOct 1, '16


This is my Haze Dual V3 Vaporizer. I purchased it for $249.99. The most unique thing about this unit is the dual bowls. I was new to the vaporizing world and figured I didn't need both bowls but now that I have it I wouldn't change it. I love that I can do herbs and concentrates. I can preload bowls for traveling. I can also do multiple sessions with friends by just changing the chamber and pass it around. It's has a stainless steel body and cage. At first I was a little nervous thinking the unit could potentially get too hot to hold but this isn't the case. Unlike other units it is comfortable in my hand with no excess amount of heat. Everything locks nice and tight so no issues with it opening or turning on in your pocket. It's not as thin as some of the unit on the market but it's still small and portable in my opinion. The battery is solid on this unit. Above average compared to others. I get a dozen sessions before having to charge up again. The batteries are rechargeable so I love that I can vape and not have to be attached to a wall. I love bringing it outdoors. The mouthpiece is hidden. It is stored inside the units hidden compartments. It doesn't get stuck and slides easily. The mouthpieces are very easy clean. Glass and steel are offered, I personally prefer the steel even though there is a slight but barely noticeable taste with the glass. I usually use this vaporizer on heat number 2. I find it provides the best taste and vapor production. If you want more visible vapor 3 would be a better option however it's not as smooth or tasty. What really sold me on this unit was the warranty. Haze is one of the best in the industry with 10 years. If anything goes wrong with there unit they will replace it. Bottom line this vape is amazing. It feels like a high end unit with a very affordable price tag.

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