
Utillian 720 Portable Vaporizer

Damon IOct 13, '16

Portable direct flow battery vaporizer Made by Utillian1 Year Warranty on vaporizer We had read quite a few good reviews on the Utillian 720 so we were quite excited when we were offered a sample to try and review. The kit looked good and had everything needed to get started....

Haze Vaporizer ~ Staff review

Stéphanie IOct 1, '16

  This is my Haze Dual V3 Vaporizer. I purchased it for $249.99. The most unique thing about this unit is the dual bowls. I was new to the vaporizing world and figured I didn't need both bowls but now that I have it I wouldn't change it. I love...

Saveurs d'été

Damon I24 août 16

Gardens are in full bloom! It's an exciting time to pick from a variety of herbs to vaporize. We love experimenting with the different flavours Mother Nature has to offer. The Arizer Air delivers a very pure vapor, exposing our taste buds to a wide variety of flavours. Share some...

Vapium Summit + plus portable vaporisateur Giveaway

Damon IJun 30, '161 commentaire

Sommet de Vapium + Giveaway plus

Notre voyage de mai long week-end, Merci Vapir prima et VapeXhale EVO

Damon IJun 30, '16

Our May Long Weekend trip. Every year for the May Long Weekend, we drive 13 hours to the Atlantic Ocean to open our cottage for the summer. As a medical user, its important that I am able to vaporize when I am a passenger, when we are at the hotel...

Magic Flight Launch Box Vaporizer March Break Giveaway

Damon IMar 15, '16

March Break Magic Flight Maple Giveaway

Cleaning Your Screens and Glass parts

Damon IDec 15, '15

Cleaning your vaporizer screens and glass parts is critical.The cleaner a vaporizer is, the more efficient it is, that simple. There are a few different ways to clean screens / glass.Method 1 (the best and safest way to clean):This method takes more time but it is the safest way to...

Kit complet Vapir Prima - cadeau de Noël

Damon I6 décembre 15

Nous voulions offrir un autre Vapir Prima pour Noël, cette fois c'est le kit complet, comprenant une batterie supplémentaire, un adaptateur secteur et un adaptateur pour la voiture. Kit complet Vapir Prima - cadeau de Noël

Vapir prima portable vaporisateur Giveaway

Damon I19 octobre 15

Félicitations à Darryl S pour avoir remporté notre premier Giveaway Vapir prima

Vapir prima Review, un mois plus tard

Damon I9 octobre 15

Après un mois d'utilisation : Nous utilisons la Prima depuis plus d'un mois maintenant et nous l'aimons vraiment. Au début, nous l'avons vraiment aimé et nous avons pris plaisir à l'utiliser. Maintenant, la Prima est devenue notre principal portable avec notre Mighty. La Prima est très bien construite, nous...