The Tronian Milatron is a portable dry herb vaporizer packed with amazing features, including a hybrid convection heating chamber that can create continuous streams of thick vapor.
Known as the budget beast for the number of features this value-priced vaporizer offers, the Milatron can reach up to 240°C in under 35 seconds without compromising the quality of your heat-resistant components. This device comes with a 2300 mAh battery and also a USB-C cable for faster charging.
Cleaning supplies and extra screens are also included for easy maintenance.
Principales caractéristiques:
Hybrid Convection Heating System
240°C Max Temperature
Contrôle précis de la température
Inclus dans la boîte :
Tronian Milatron
2X Mouthpiece Screens
USB-C Charging Cable
Outil d'emballage
Brosse de nettoyage