Review-Extreme Q Desktop Vaporizer
Le vaporisateur numérique Extreme Q
Fabriqué par Arizer
garantie de 3 ans (durée de vie sur le chauffe-eau)
- Voir en bas de cette revue pour v-Tower Review *
The maker of the V-Tower decided that more features were needed and released a higher end model called the Extreme. They then upgraded that model to the Extreme Q which is more efficient (up to 50% energy savings) and includes a quieter fan (up to 77% quieter), multiple heat sensors, solid state circuitry and an improved LCD screen.
The Q comes with a full kit that includes accessories for direct flow as well as inflating bags. Digital temperature control, remote control, auto shut off timer, fan speed control, the works. Every feature with the one exception of a water tool which could probably be rigged on your own with a bit of effort.
Le contrôle du ventilateur est vraiment agréable pour contrôler le flux de vapeur lorsque vous utilisez l'inhalation directe. Vous pouvez aller du fouet seulement (pas de ventilateur) tout le chemin à travers 3 vitesses de ventilateur différentes. La télécommande permet de faciliter la commutation des vitesses du ventilateur à partir de votre position assise. Un kit de ballons est disponible pour les sacs supplémentaires et ils sont assez faciles à assembler.
The whips are available in both Silicone (included) and Acrylic (available for purchase). The bags come with a glass mouthpiece and mini whip.
The heater itself is ceramic and every attachment is glass making the Extreme Q a very smooth experience. If you don't like any extra flavors and want to taste pure vapor, this is one of the best vaporizer on the market.
- Toutes les fonctionnalités que vous souhaitez
- Flux direct et gonflage du ballon
- Verre sur les attaches en verre
- Contrôle de la vitesse du ventilateur
- Contrôle de température numérique
- Abordable
- Le verre peut être chaud
Température recommandée: 190 degrés Celsius
Conclusion: For those that are concerned about durability, the Extreme Q not only has proven itself over the past 10 years but has a serious warranty to back it up. 3 year warranty on manufacturer defects and a lifetime warranty on the ceramic heater, you can't go wrong. Arizer is serious about their products, that's obvious just by the quality of the vaporizer.
We are definitely happy with the Extreme Q, it has everything you want at a price most people can afford. If you are looking for a high end vaporizer that has everything
V-Tower Digital Vaporizer Review:
The V-Tower is just an Extreme Q vaporizer with no fan and no ability to inflate balloons, it also doesn't include a remote control. It has a 2 year warranty, digital temp control, nice glass attachments, ceramic heater, smooth vapor, you just have to rely on your own lung power to produce vapor and you will never be able to fill up a bag. For clients that prefer direct flow over bag use and don't intend to use the bag feature on the Extreme Q, this is not a concern. If you are on a more constrained budget and can't afford the extra money on the Extreme Q, the V-Tower is a great choice.