Oil Vapes and Vaporizers, the selection is getting good

Damon IOct 3, '13
The first vaporizer we had that could handle oils was the Volcano. It wasn't a dedicated oil vaporizer, you could switch between a screen for plants or a liquid pad for oils, it was that easy. It did the job, especially for thinner essential oils that were easily vaporized. there are other hybrid vaporizers that do both or attachments available for vaporizers that are primarily designed for plants. In 2012, we got our first oil pen vaporizers in, the G Pen by Grenco Science. A decent pen vaporizer at a good price, the negative being they didn't last as long as people wanted. They did offer a $40 Essential Oil Glass Tank that worked great and lasted a long time but it was not included standard and most people didn't want to shell out the extra money for them. In 2013, we got our first two high end oil vapes in, the Omicron Oil Vaporizer and the Persei Oil Vaporizer. For vapor enthusiasts that were serious about using oils, these vaporizers delivered the goods. We now had a good selection of hybrid vaporizers (Volcano, VapirRise, DaVinci and more), a pen vaporizer and some high end oil vaporizers. All we needed was a better pen vaporizer and we got it, the 710 Pen Vapes. Now we had a sub $100 pen vape that had tanks that would last a reasonable time. We are sure there will be more advancements in the future and we look forward to being a part of it.

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